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Almost all the modern prisons present in the different countries of the world are facing a new and common problem, that is, the use of Cell Phones inside the Prison premises With the rapid Advancement of Technology in recent years, the Cell Phones have become more Sophisticated and Smaller. These Cell Phones are being widely used illegally inside the premises of the Prison. The inmates conduct their criminal activities, interfere with the investigations, and make plans for their escape etc., using these Cell Phones. We have been successfully applied our high power Jamming system in the South American, mid-east countries and etc.
Module design: To make sure the device not making any interference to the uplink bands, only to the downlink. Outdoor High Power 600W Mobile Signal Jammer

Below is the 600W Mobile Signal Jammer application diagram:

Mobile Signal Jammer application diagram
Outdoor High Power 600W Mobile Signal Jammer

Technical Specifications:

Output PortCellular 850MHz
Cellular 850MHz
GSM 900MHz
PCS 1900MHz
PCS 1900MHz
Shield Band of Frequency851~872MHz
Output Power850MHz850MHz900MHz1900MHz1900MHz2100MHz
Total RF Output Power600W
Power Adjustable5-class of power adjustable on each band independently
Power SupplyDC-48V
Weight50kg(Including brackets)
Runnig Temperature(-20 to +55)Celsius Degree
Power Consumption2100W
MTBF50,000 Hours
Dimensions615x590x270 mm
Accessories6 pcs jumpers and 6 ports antenna are needed

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